During college Officer Breijak played saxophone and oboe in
the Ferris State University athletic pep band.
He used his skills in music as a student conductor trainee for a year with
the pep band. He received a small
partial scholarship for his participation and leadership in the band. While at Ferris State University he was also
an assistant manager for the fast food restaurant, Kentucky Fried Chicken.
While at Ferris State University, Officer Breijak enjoyed
the law enforcement prerequisites and entered in to the Ferris State Law
Enforcement Academy his senior year of college, during which he took 20 credit
hours each semester to prepare him for a position as a police officer. Officer Breijak graduated from Ferris State
University with a degree in Criminal Justice in 2018.
Officer Breijak became a police officer because he likes
working with the community. Coming from
Michigan Center, he enjoys participating in community activities and getting to
know the people in town. His first
position following his graduation from Ferris State University was at the
Jackson City Police Department. Although
he learned a lot about being on a police force and enjoyed working in Jackson,
he missed being in a rural community. He
worked last summer for the Mackinaw island Police Department. Officer Breijak found his summer experience
on Makinaw Island interesting. Officer
Breijak said that he enjoyed his time immensely with the Mackinaw Island Police
Department during the summer of 2019. He
was able to take the position as the Columbia Township Police Department
Columbia School District liaison because his time at Mackinaw Island was only a
summer job.
Officer Breijak said that he became a police liaison, “because
I enjoy working with kids. I am not that
much older than the students so I relate to them.” He continued by saying that he is interested in
working to “develop my skills in juvenile relations, through his work at the
Columbia School District.”
Officer Breijak has enjoyed his time so far with the
Columbia Township Police Department because people are friendly. He sees the community as a small world scale
and where neighbors look out for one another.
He called the Columbia Township community, “Refreshing.” His long range plans are to continue working
in Columbia keeping the community safe and getting to know more of the
residents in the area.
Nice! Congrads!