Friday, December 25, 2020

Columbia Leaders Exhibit Energy and Tenacity!

On December 20, 2020, Mt Kilauea on the big island of Hawaii began to erupt and form a lava lake in the crater of the volcano.  Lava is created when magma solidifies into rock.  Recently I had the opportunity to get some small pieces of lava rock.  As I was thinking about how lava forms and the immense power and energy needed to produce lava, I thought of the leadership in Columbia School District.  Just like lava, which is fueled by heat and contains energy, the leaders at Columbia are energetic and on fire to educate our students. 

Lava is said to ignite the flame within us.  In Columbia the teacher leaders, administrators and board members, work together to encourage our students to “Fire-Up” and increase their desire to learn.  By collaborating we increase our students’ productivity and intensity that moves them towards success.  Columbia School District teachers focus on motivating their students to complete assignments and benefit from active, hands-on learning activities. 

In much the same way that Lava rock is said to help keep us calm, safe, secure, and grounded, while giving us a focus on depth, intensity and change, Columbia teachers have calmly kept their focus on their students.  Throughout this year, our teachers have deepened their level of concern as our students have weathered the challenge of distance learning.  Columbia teachers have moved through the changing atmosphere of having students on various platforms with an intensity and a focus on success.  Our teachers have heroically invested an immense amount of time as they have continually researched new and improved ways of communicating with students and their parents.  In addition, the Columbia counseling staff has been inspired to work closely with our students to reassure them and keep them safe and secure.

As we carry on with the 2020-2021 school year our teachers will continue to dig deep within themselves to establish a sense of normalcy as our students grow and mature.  As the Columbia School District vision explains, we want our students to learn today, so they may become leaders tomorrow.  Just like molten magma hardens into lava rock, with the guidance of our amazing teachers, Columbia students will become successful leaders and lifelong learners. If you are interested in learning more about Columbia Schools, please email me at or call 5175926641.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Columbia: Standing the Test of Time!

The other day I was listening to a speaker and he told a story about a pot.  As he held up the old commercial steel pot, he said that although it was over 20 years old, it was still in good condition and would last many more years producing great meals at the soup kitchen.  He asked us to think about how many things had been cooked in the pot and how it had fed many people over the years.  Then he talked about the quality of the pot.  This pot was a top quality commercial pot, built to last.  As he continued his talk, he mentioned that while we may purchase pots and pans that may seem more glitzy or appear to be a great deal, if they were made of low quality, of sub-par materials, or of poor craftsmanship, they will eventually bend and break.

Similar to the quality pot, Columbia School District is built on quality.  Columbia School District has many excellent highly qualified teachers teaching our children.  Science teachers Karen Libeau and Kendon Smith have teamed up to upgrade the junior high science program, both virtually and in person. When you think about teaching students, some of whom are in person, with the balance being distance learners, you can imagine the various strategies you may have to use to keep everyone engaged.

Together they have worked on a digital bitmoji classroom that aligns with the new Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  In the updated science curriculum, students use digital notebooks and Google slides.  They are also using the Kesler Lab program, which they say is a game changer!  This program has breathed so much life into daily lessons. Kesler is updated to NGSS and includes a lot of great strategies and techniques for our students.  This program is especially essential if we have to return to all remote learning, because the lessons are tailored to distance learning.

Mrs. Libeau and Mr. Smith talked about the fact that their activities are student-centered and fun!  These resources and activities are specially focused for middle school science students.  Mr. Smith mentioned that this year is so different due to the new resources from the Kesler Lab.  He mentioned that, “With the Kesler information, we give kids more interesting science projects.”  He went on to say that it has been fun to collaborate with Mrs. Libeau and learn from her vast knowledge.  Another aspect of the quality education Columbia students receive is the opportunity to experience using technology.  Mr. Smith and Mrs. Libeau work closely with their students through technology. 

Together the highly qualified teachers at Columbia make a difference in the lives of our children each and every day.  Columbia has stood the test of time, being an impressive successful educational learning environment filled with quality employees: amazing teachers, and many fabulous instructional aides, staff members, and administrators.  Just like the top quality pot, lasting the test of time, Columbia will continue providing excellence in education for years to come.  If you are interested in learning more about Columbia, email me at or call 5175926641.

The Brooklyn Area Lights Up for the Season!


Over the past month and a half our world has become more and more Christmassy!   The Christmas season begins with people putting up lights and decorations in November, and in some neighborhoods decorating starts before Halloween.  Doctor’s offices, insurance agencies and other businesses choose their favorite decoration theme and festively wrap their trees and shrubs in hundreds of colorful lights.  Driving through the neighborhoods in the Brooklyn area, it is enjoyable to see homes with various Christmas decorations from blow-up snowmen, to animated reindeer and motion filled lighting displays. 

Although we have been learning virtually, the Columbia School District staff and students have jumped into the season, enjoying the fun and dressing up in special sweaters and outfits that match with the holidays. During Zoom lessons, students displayed their Christmas trees and favorite decorations.  During this season of giving and joy, our Columbia Central High School Leadership students collected many canned and nonperishable food items for families that are struggling.  The donations of food were delivered to the Brooklyn Area Food Pantry to help our friends from the area. 

In partnership with the community, our staff members have raised funds and donations to purchase toys and Christmas presents for some of our little ones.  Generous donations have helped to support the toy drive, ensuring everyone has something under their tree.  One of our Columbia Central High School Alums, Maria Cook, raised money and collected many presents for the Mott Children’s Hospital for children and teens who will spend the Christmas season in the hospital. 

Columbia School District is committed to collaborating and partnering with our community to make everyday a little bit brighter for our students.  If you are interested in helping with our efforts to make life a bit better for our students, we are still collecting money to purchase winter coats, snow pants, and boots for our youngest students.  If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities at Columbia School District email me at or call 5175926641.