Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ribbon Cutting at Columbia School District!

Symbolically, a ribbon cutting ceremony is conducted to celebrate a grand opening or renewal of a business, government building or school.  The ribbon cutting ceremony gives the entity an opportunity to celebrate the hard work of the owners, the community, the construction crews, the architects and governmental partners.  The ribbon cutting allows folks from the surrounding area, including the media, an opportunity to participate in the festivities. 

This year school begins on Tuesday, September 8th and to celebrate the immense work that went into the Columbia School District renovations, you are invited to a ribbon cutting ceremony!  Because the project was spread across the district to all four schools we are having multiple ribbon cuttings.  The times and dates are as follows: Columbia Central High School will have a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 8:30 am on Tuesday, September 8th.  Columbia Elementary and Upper Elementary Schools will have a joint Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for their students in grades PK through 6th on Tuesday, September 8th at 10 am.  Columbia Options High School and Columbia Virtual School (for sixth through twelfth grade) will have their Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Wednesday, September 9th at 10 am.

At the Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies Columbia School District will celebrate our teachers, students, administrators, board members and community members who worked diligently to pass the bond issue in November of 2013 that concentrated on making our schools Safe, Warm, Dry and Smart.  We will also focus our appreciation on our many contractors, Granger Construction Management, and Kingscott Architects.

The work on our buildings is almost finished!  There are many great contractors from the local area who are putting their heart and soul into our project to make it a positive learning environment for our students.  Most of our new exterior windows and doors have been installed.  A lot of the classroom doors have been replaced, SMART projectors and new white boards are being installed in the high school and Upper Elementary, SMART boards are being installed in the Elementary, the new heating and cooling systems are almost fully installed across the district, fresh paint has applied to the walls, new tile and carpet is are going in to the classrooms and hallways, and the updated electrical lines and technology wiring is close to being complete.   Many of the new computers, laptops and iPads have been delivered and the furniture is scheduled to arrive on September 1st.   It is exciting to see all of the improvements coming to fulfillment.   If you have questions or want to know how your child can attend Columbia School District and take advantage of our great teachers and terrific facilities, email me at or call 5175926641.

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