Sunday, August 23, 2015

Seeing Education from Various Vantage Points at Columbia School District

Each summer my husband and I take a group of teens and preteens to Cedar Point.  The experience is enjoyable and educational.  One of the things I find fascinating is that depending on your vantage point, you see the park differently.  When you are on a fast ride you see the area as a blur, both right-side up and upside down.  If you are on the Sky Ride or the giant Ferris Wheel you are able to see a lot of the park and a bit more of the detail.  However, if you tour the park on the ground by walking around, you see details you miss from a speedy or an elevated ride. 

Similarly, Columbia School District teachers, administrators and staff members focus on working closely with your child to ensure the important details are covered.  Whether your child is a preschooler enjoying learning about career choices, a sixth grade student learning about the parts of a cell or a Columbia Central High School senior learning the intricacies’ of solving a crime in the Forensic Science class, our teachers give their students the information they need to be successful. 

Our caring administrators work diligently to craft schedules, programs and educational learning opportunities to give students a firm foundation for a bright future.  The Columbia emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) includes engineering and robotics classes and after school programs, hands-on activities through the MLAG program (Michigan League of Academic Games) and opportunities to earn college credit through our STEM electives: AP Chemistry, AP Biology and AP Calculus.  New this year will be the Upper Elementary Genius Hour project.  During this activity period students will use project based learning techniques to successfully complete hands-on activities.

One of the new programs for our students in kindergarten through sixth grade is the technology exploratory.  This class will give students the opportunity to learn more about educational technology including Chromebooks, iPads and applications that focus on learning strategies.  At Columbia Central high school students will also have new technology options as the result of the addition of our business foundations and Microsoft IT Academy.  These classes will give our high school students the opportunity to build their skills and abilities to provide a pathway to higher education and the work-force. 

In each of the areas of our district our teachers are dedicated to providing our students both a birds-eye view of their subject area, similar to the outlook from Sky Ride at Cedar Point, and the ground-level detail that will give our students a foundation for a successful future.  If you are interested in learning more about Columbia School District, our programs and opportunities for success, email me at or call me at 5175926641.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Accumulating Knowledge Bit By Bit!

The other day I was rearranging items in my bag when I noticed how heavy it was.  When I pulled my wallet out I realized that it was the culprit.  Upon further investigation I noticed that I had accumulated several dollars' worth of change in the coin purse side.  Who would think that in this small compartment I could have almost a pound of pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters?  

Over the years we accumulate many things, some boring and useless, and some items that are precious and priceless.   In much the same way, children accumulate bits of knowledge through their experiences and the learning opportunities that come their way.  At Columbia School District our teachers use various techniques to assist our children as they learn and build their knowledge base. 

This fall our students will be able to take advantage of the use of new iPads and Chromebooks.  Their experiences using these devices will enhance their accumulation of knowledge and skills.  Our students will also be exposed to SMART technology through the interactive projectors and SMART boards.  As our children move forward in their lives they will most certainly use technology in everything they do.  Their use of technology in their Columbia School District classroom will benefit them throughout their lives.

Our students will also have the opportunity to gain insight through the academic focus of their classroom teacher.  Our dedicated Columbia School District teachers passionately focus on helping our students learn and grow, accumulating bits of knowledge, throughout their school careers.  Their accumulation of knowledge and insight will further them down the path to success.  Just like all of the various coins I had accumulated in my wallet, our children will find that the daily, weekly and yearly accumulation of knowledge and skills will give them a firm foundation that is valuable.  If you are interested in registering your child for Columbia School District, please email me at or call 5175926641.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ribbon Cutting at Columbia School District!

Symbolically, a ribbon cutting ceremony is conducted to celebrate a grand opening or renewal of a business, government building or school.  The ribbon cutting ceremony gives the entity an opportunity to celebrate the hard work of the owners, the community, the construction crews, the architects and governmental partners.  The ribbon cutting allows folks from the surrounding area, including the media, an opportunity to participate in the festivities. 

This year school begins on Tuesday, September 8th and to celebrate the immense work that went into the Columbia School District renovations, you are invited to a ribbon cutting ceremony!  Because the project was spread across the district to all four schools we are having multiple ribbon cuttings.  The times and dates are as follows: Columbia Central High School will have a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at 8:30 am on Tuesday, September 8th.  Columbia Elementary and Upper Elementary Schools will have a joint Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for their students in grades PK through 6th on Tuesday, September 8th at 10 am.  Columbia Options High School and Columbia Virtual School (for sixth through twelfth grade) will have their Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Wednesday, September 9th at 10 am.

At the Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies Columbia School District will celebrate our teachers, students, administrators, board members and community members who worked diligently to pass the bond issue in November of 2013 that concentrated on making our schools Safe, Warm, Dry and Smart.  We will also focus our appreciation on our many contractors, Granger Construction Management, and Kingscott Architects.

The work on our buildings is almost finished!  There are many great contractors from the local area who are putting their heart and soul into our project to make it a positive learning environment for our students.  Most of our new exterior windows and doors have been installed.  A lot of the classroom doors have been replaced, SMART projectors and new white boards are being installed in the high school and Upper Elementary, SMART boards are being installed in the Elementary, the new heating and cooling systems are almost fully installed across the district, fresh paint has applied to the walls, new tile and carpet is are going in to the classrooms and hallways, and the updated electrical lines and technology wiring is close to being complete.   Many of the new computers, laptops and iPads have been delivered and the furniture is scheduled to arrive on September 1st.   It is exciting to see all of the improvements coming to fulfillment.   If you have questions or want to know how your child can attend Columbia School District and take advantage of our great teachers and terrific facilities, email me at or call 5175926641.