When talking about Mrs. Douglas, the Columbia Elementary
School principal Mrs. Wright, said “Wow!
She does it all.” She went on to
comment, “Connie greats each student every morning.” Mrs. Wright talked about Connie’s way of encouraging
students to read. She said, “Connie
makes reading fun by dressing up in costumes and decorating the library. During March is Reading Month she dressed up
like a pirate!” Mrs. Wright went on to
say that the theme for the special reading emphasis was “We Arr-gg Readers!” It was a fun time for the students, because
Mrs. Douglas decorated the library with items associated with pirates.
Mrs. Douglas’ enthusiasm for reading helps to motivate the
students. She mentioned that during the
year, she does a “Top Reader of the Month Award for two students and keeps
track of the students with the most accelerated reader points on the Star Wall.” She continued saying that, “The top 10 first
graders and the top 10 second graders get their pictures on the Star Wall.” She explained that, “This wall has students
from as long ago as 2002, and our readers are excited to earn enough points to
take someone’s place on the wall. This is a real accomplishment.”
Mrs. Douglas has had various jobs for the Columbia School
District, including being a one-on-one aide and assisting students in special
education. As part of her duties, Connie
tracks student attendance and fills in for the school secretary during lunch
time. She is very creative and tries to
make a difference for the children in Columbia.
In addition, Mrs. Douglas is very active in working with the staff to
increase their level of fitness. She
does a special walking club called, “Move Your Butt” on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, that involves walking and exercising in the bus loop between the
elementary buildings.
Mrs. Douglas gets involved with positivity at Columbia
Elementary by encouraging students to work hard and be kind. She helps award students for their behavior
by assisting in the celebration for the Columbia Elementary School Student of
the Month Award. Mrs. Wright mentioned
that additionally, Connie “gives out prizes every Friday to students who have
been chosen for Mystery Behavior! “ Connie
explained that, “This is a focused behavior on positive actions by the
students.” She mentioned that she also
does the “Work Hard and Be Kind” student award each morning. Connie said, “The students love receiving
awards for positive behavior!” Connie is
a blessing to the children and staff at CES!
She is very deserving of her award for making a difference! Learn
more about Columbia School District at www.myeagles.org