Sunday, February 23, 2020

Math Can Be Fun! Let's Try Fractions!

Math can be fun!  Columbia School District teachers use mathematics each day and help acquaint their students to information that will provide connections to everyday occurrences.  Sometimes students have a difficult time when they first learn about fractions.  You can make your child’s understanding of fractions deeper and more common sense.  Being able to see and experience fractions and their use through examples will help your child gain confidence. 

Each day we use fractions in many ways.  When we go to the grocery store, we experience fractions.  When we split a candy bar in half with our child, we are using fractions.  As the parent or grandparent, we can keep a list of how we use fractions in our daily duties and experiences.  Help your child keep a list of the fractions he or she uses in their daily activities.  Your child may list that he or she had an extra half hour of recess, or he or she only drank one-third of his or her milk at lunch.  In addition to a list or tabulation of how they use fractions, they may want to illustrate the examples.

To help your child learn more about fractions, you may play a game.  Gather ten pennies.  Put out three of the pennies on a piece of paper.  Ask your child to draw a circle around 1/3 of the pennies.  Try various combinations, such as 2/5 or 3/7. 

Another game can be played with paper where you draw various fractions.  Begin by drawing a circle and split the circle into thirds.  Ask your child to color in 2/3 of the circle.  Draw a rectangle and split it into five equal parts.  Ask your child to fill in 1/5 or 3/5 of the drawing.  You may continue by experimenting with various fractions.

For the next game you will create a set of cards with fractions written on them.  You and your child will put one fraction on each card, ¼, ½, ¾, 1, 1 ¼, 1 ½, 1 ¾, 2.  Mix up the cards and challenge your child to put them into order. 

By practicing, playing games, and connecting the use of fractions with everyday activities and experiences, your child will learn that fractions are ordinary and help us explain various relationships and interactions in everyday life.  If you are interested in learning more about Columbia School District or any of our programs, call 5175926641 or email me at .

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