Sunday, May 22, 2016

Columbia Central High School: Positive, Dynamic Students!

Over the past several weeks, the Columbia Central High School senior class has begun to imagine their graduation.  They have pictured themselves crossing the stage and celebrating their success in high school.  As June 3rd draws closer, our seniors not only think of graduation, but of their future opportunities and challenges. 

This past week our senior class had the opportunity to participate in an interview process.  During the interviews they spoke about their background, their plans and their hopes and dreams.  Those that were fortunate to sit on the interview panel, heard as our positive, intelligent students talked about scholarships they have earned, their volunteer experiences and where they will be next fall.  As they talked to the panel, it was obvious that some of our seniors were beginning to realize that just having a strong academic background will get them off to a good start, but that they will also have to use wisdom as they apply all of their academic knowledge. 

Columbia School District students have distinct advantages not only because of the high academic standards at Columbia Central, but because of the caring, nurturing nature of their teachers and our exceptional programs.   The students in our Leadership program have learned to work together, organize positive community events and spend time volunteering with our elementary children. 

Recently the students in the Leadership program organized, planned and carried out the Hope Run Day and memorial for Columbia Central alum and fallen trooper Chad Dermyer.  After the day long event was over, one of the young ladies on the planning committee mentioned that her experiences at Columbia Central have given her the confidence to get in front of the whole district student body and lead.  She and her team inspired the Columbia School District students and staff members to raise over $13,000 for the American Cancer Society.

During their time with the interview panel, other students talked about their experiences in our Advanced Placement classes and how they feel prepared to go to college.  Some of them talked about their interest in science and how their experiences taking advanced anatomy, Advanced Placement biology, Sports Medicine and Forensic Science have given them a great base for their next step in college.  The Class of 2016 is a great group of young people full of promise and energy.  It will be exciting to watch them take on their future with tenacity!

If you are interested in cheering our senior on as they walk across the graduation stage, join us at the Potter Center on June 3rd at 7:00 pm.  To have your child join the positive programs at Columbia School District, call me at 5175926641 or email me at

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