Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Teacher's Silent Impact!

As I read through a publication I saw a column regarding movies.  While I would often skip over this type of information, I noted that the reviewer was considering the impact of famous actors and actresses on the viewers.  The reviewer was none other than Joe Morgenstern who is a famous movie reviewer for the Wall Street Journal.  His observation was that even when the actor was not really doing anything on screen, for instance in a close up or when he or she was listening to a speech from another actor, there was still a profound impact on the movie goers. 

As I reflected on his thoughts my mind traveled back home to the Columbia School District and how our teachers, staff members and principals make a tremendous impact on our students even when they are silent.  Sometimes, especially when they are silent!  

Teachers provide a listening ear to students who may have had a difficult morning at home, sometimes arguing with their sister or parents.  Our Columbia staff members, especially our transportation employees and food service workers, may be the first person to smile at a child that day.  That smile, often in silence, impacts our students on a daily basis.

As educational employees, our staff members, watch over, nurture and listen to children each day as they struggle to read a paragraph, learn how to solve a quadratic equation or perform a chemistry experiment for the first time.  These truly dedicated individuals who are teaching our youngsters are making an impact, even through their silence. 

Though movie actresses and actors are often put on a pedestal, adored and lauded, we have many treasured teachers and staff members who make a profound impact on our students to a larger degree than any movie personality could ever formulate.  Although I am not a famous movie reviewer or Wall Street Journal columnist, I know that everyday our teachers help to put forth the mission of Columbia School District, providing a solid foundation for a bright future, even through their silence.  If you would like to learn how your child could benefit from the programs at Columbia School District, please email me at or call 5175926641.

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