Over the past year the Columbia
School District has been diligently working on the renovation of our school
buildings and campus grounds. The
renovation projects have been focused on ensuring our students have an
educational learning environment that is Safe, Warm, Dry and Smart.
"Safe" refers to a safe and secure
learning environment for students, staff and community with many updated areas
to meet current code requirements.
Planned safety upgrades will include secure entries at each building,
doors that will properly lock and do not need to be chained shut, drop off and
pickup traffic patterns that separate parent and bus traffic to ensure the
safety of students and staff, security cameras that are installed to increase
security and facilities upgrades to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act
"Warm" refers to
creating a more energy efficient learning environment for our children so more
money may be spent on educational needs and the installation of items that will
convert operational dollar savings into educational funds. To create the energy efficient learning
environment, the 1950's and 60's era boilers will be replaced with new
energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, increase the R value of our
buildings by installing additional insulation and new roofs, and install new
windows and doors with energy-efficient glass and insulation.
"Dry" encompasses
facilities that are easy to maintain, reflect a positive image and enhance
community spirit and update facilities to attract students, parents, staff and
community members so the Columbia School District may grow. To create a dry environment for our students
the 40 plus year old roofs will be replaced with highly insulated roofing
systems, the 40 to 60 year old original leaking piping systems will be
replaced, and install heating systems without water leaking into the duct work.
"Smart" includes a
strong educational technology infrastructure that supports current technology
needs and allows for future technology growth.
This element includes the expansion of wireless technology
infrastructure, the addition of classroom computers for students and staff, and
the provision of 21st Century job skill development tools.
student grade distribution to be updated to enable Columbia to feature an early elementary building for prekindergarten through second grade students, an upper elementary building especially for third through sixth graders, and the dedicated junior high wing at Columbia Central.
This summer you will notice many
projects under way on our Columbia School District campuses in order to provide
an excellent positive learning environment for our students. In order to complete our projects the
district will move classroom furnishings out of our buildings and into storage
trailers for the summer. In August, we
will move back into the completed buildings.
This is an exciting time to be part of the Columbia School District Family! Our students, teachers and administrators are
very thankful for the generosity of our wonderful community! If you are interested in learning more about
Columbia Schools, our programs and our extensive renovations, please email me
at pamela.campbell@myeagles.org
or call 5175926641.