Armed with brochures and flyers dedicated groups of Columbia School District community members, teachers and administrators spread out through the community to answer questions and hand out information regarding the upcoming Bond Proposals. While out in the community we met many passionate Columbia school supporters and answered many questions. One of the questions we were asked was, "How will the additional millage compare to the communities around us?" Columbia School District only levies 0.9 mills compared to Springport at 8.95 mills, East Jackson at 6 mills, Onsted at 3.77 mills and Napoleon at 3 mills. By passing both Proposal 1 and 2, the total Columbia millage will still only be 3.5 mills, which amounts to $10.83 per month for a $100,000 home. For additional information on millage comparison go to
Another question we heard was concerning the details of the proposals. Many community members asked what will be included in the bond issue and how may we be sure that it will be accomplished?
The bond issue is separated into two Proposals; number one and number two. Proposal 1 contains the largest share of the improvements amounting to 2.15 mills or $26.5 million to ensure our students have an educational learning environment that is Safe, Warm, Dry and Smart. "Safe" refers to a safe and secure learning environment for students, staff and community with many updated areas to meet current code requirements. Safety upgrades will include secure entries at each building, doors that will properly lock and do not need to be chained shut, drop off and pickup traffic patters that separate parent and bus traffic to ensure the safety of students and staff, security cameras that are installed to increase security and facilities upgrades to meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
"Warm" refers to creating a more energy efficient learning environment for our children so more money may be spent on educational needs and the installation of items that will convert operational dollar savings into educational funds. To create the energy efficient learning environment, the 1950's and 60's era boilers will be replaced with new energy-efficient heating systems, increase the R value of our buildings by installing additional insulation and new roofs, and install new windows and doors with energy-efficient glass and insulation.
"Dry" encompasses facilities that are easy to maintain, reflect a positive image and enhance community spirit and update facilities to attract students, parents, staff and community members so the Columbia School District may grow. To create a dry environment for our students the 40 plus year old roofs will be replaced with highly insulated roofing systems, the 40 to 60 year old original leaking piping systems will be replaced, and install heating systems without water leaking into the duct work.
"Smart" includes a strong educational technology infrastructure that supports current technology needs and allows for future technology growth. This element includes the expansion of wireless technology infrastructure, the addition of classroom computers for students and staff, and the provision of 21st Century job skill development tools.
Proposal 2 will improve teaching and learning for our children by focusing on grade-level restructuring. The results of the restructuring will provide additional space for enhanced learning opportunities at Columbia Elementary for pre-kindergarten through second grade students, changing Columbia Middle School to become an upper elementary school for third through sixth grades, better utilization of the space at Columbia Central by initializing a teaching and learning environment in the southern portion of the building for seventh and eighth graders, and improving the learning environment for the ninth through twelfth grade students. This restructuring will allow for spaces to be remodeled into 21st Century computer labs housing updated and additional technology.
The second portion of the question indicates a concern regarding the completion of the elements of the project. In order to have the project approved by the State of Michigan Treasury Department, the Columbia School District, interested community members, Kingscott Architects and Granger Construction Managers all worked together to construct and solidify plans that will be monitored through out the process by the Treasury Departments oversight personnel. We have already had our first visit from the Treasury Department to ensure that the elements included in Proposal 1 and 2 are necessary. The project will be completed in accordance with Treasury Department rules and regulations.
For more information regarding the Bond Proposals, visit upcoming events that may be found at or visit the website and click on the right column where it indicates "view flyer" and "Information on Proposals 1 and 2." You may also email me at or call me at 5175926641.
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