Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Artistry of Education

Earlier this week I was driving to a meeting and the further I drove, the brighter the sky became.  As I proceeded down the winding road I was in awe as the ever brightening sky turned into a rainbow of colors.  Formerly puffy gray clouds suddenly became vivid pink and blue puffs that looked like cotton candy and right in the center of the horizon a powerful pinkish orange cylinder of light cut through the blue gray sky.  The unfolding artistry of color was so amazing that I had to take a picture!  At the next crossroad I pulled off and snapped a photo.  After driving another sixty seconds or so, the scene was even more striking, so I turned off and snapped a few more pictures.   
As I continued towards the meeting I wondered what would happen next and then, up popped the sun and the sky was blazing with color!  I was so thankful that I had the privilege of seeing this amazing display of color and thought how sad it would have been if I had waited another ten minutes to leave for my meeting and had missed this bit of artistry.   

In much the same way as I could have missed this display had I been late, we often have students who are running late and miss the beginning of the day and some of the great instruction from their teachers.  The students who arrive on time have additional bonding and learning opportunities that enhance and enlighten their lives.  In addition, there is another group of students who in my analogy would be people who we may consider to have taken a wrong turn or a detour.  These students include children who are frequently absent and therefore have big “potholes” in their road to an education.  While students who are absent have opportunities to make up their homework, they often miss out on the enhancements that make their education come alive and be even more enjoyable, much like the pleasure I felt watching the artistry unfold across the sky.  

Columbia Schools encourages our students to take the right road and get to school on time every day.  We provide extra support in the form of afterschool programs at Columbia Middle and Elementary Schools and special tutoring time at Columbia Central High School.  Many community volunteers give time to assist our elementary students through our Buddy Reading program.  Our students who struggle during their high school years have the opportunity gain a fresh perspective and catch up on their credits through our Options High School program.

If you are interested in learning more about how Columbia School District can help you and your child as you travel on the road to successful learning please email me at or call 517-592-6641.

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