Sunday, January 31, 2021

CSD Hero! Columbia Central Jr. Sr. High School Teacher Mr. Jackson!

This past year has been brought about a myriad of changes.  Our teachers have worked collaboratively to develop innovative programs, learned to teach on new educational platforms and worked to help their students fulfill their academic potential.  Columbia teachers revised their curriculum to give our students a chance to learn online or in person, even if the rules changed from day to day.

During this winter semester, I asked community members, parents, teachers, staff members and students to nominate one of our teachers or staff members as a Columbia Hero! These Columbia Heroes have put their heart and soul into reaching out to their students in new and different ways.  The creativity and ingenuity exhibited by these special teachers have allowed our Columbia pupils to continue to learn and grow.

One of the nominated Heroes is Columbia Central Junior – Senior High School Spanish teacher, Derek Jackson.  Mr. Jackson was nominated as a Columbia Hero by Ondrea Bayes and Jen Steele.  Ondrea wrote that he is “an absolutely amazing teacher!”  She went on to say that, “You can tell he genuinely cares about his students.”  Jen commented that Mr. Jackson “has a zest for teaching.’  She continued by painting a picture of Mr. Jackson as an energetic, exuberant teacher, who connects with his students in an “impressive and incredibly important” way.

When writing about how Mr. Jackson comes across on the Zoom platform during virtual learning, Ms. Bayes said that his teaching methods are creative.  She mentioned that “there’s always laughter when he is teaching.”  She continued by saying that she ‘wished that she had a teacher like that when she was in school!”  Mrs. Steele agreed and wrote that Mr. Jackson could see the “big picture on the lives of his students.”  She commented that, he works to “cultivate relationships where his students feel loved and respected.” 

Jen wrote about how Mr. Jackson has had a tremendous impact on her kids.  She mentioned that his “influence has given her son the desire to become an educator.”  She continued by saying that she “feels incredibly blessed to have a teacher like him in our district.”  She mentioned that, “We are truly lucky to have him” teaching at Columbia.  

When talking to Mr. Jackson about his nomination as a Columbia School District Hero, he said, “I love my students. They are the reason I continue to implement engaging, meaningful activities in the classroom.”  He continued by saying that, “the relationships I build and nurture with my students are reinforced in our daily interactions.  I thrive when I see them excel in their endeavors and explore their potential.”  Mr. Jackson mentioned that his “colleagues are top-notch educators who strive for excellence and push me to be the best I can be for my students.”  He added that “Columbia Central administrators provide opportunities for personal and professional growth in and outside of the classroom. I strongly believe that I am a better person with their guidance and leadership.”  If you are interested in learning more about Columbia School District, call me at 5175926641 or email me at .

Columbia Hero: Teacher Jessica White!

Columbia School District has fabulous teachers.  During this critical time, our teachers have stepped up their focus, developed new programs and worked to help their students fulfill their academic potential.  Beginning last March, Columbia teachers revised their curriculum to give our students a chance to learn whether they were in person, working Face to Face or completing their curriculum in a distance learning or virtual way.

During this winter semester, I asked community members, parents, teachers, staff members and students to nominate one of our teachers or staff members as a Columbia Hero! These Columbia Heroes have put their heart and soul into reaching out to their students in new and different ways.  The creativity and ingenuity exhibited by these special teachers have allowed our Columbia pupils to continue to learn and grow.

One of the nominated Heroes is Columbia Central Junior High School resource room teacher, Jessica White.  Miss White has been teaching at Columbia for several years.  She was nominated as a Hero by one of her former students, Joe Haeussler.  Joe wrote that he has known Miss White since his fifth grade year.  He continued by saying that she was instrumental in assisting him with his struggles when he returned to school after being struck by a car. 

Joe said that she is a Hero because “she goes above and beyond.”  He mentioned that she deserves this award because she is the teacher who has shown the highest level of care and that he could always count on Miss White.  He said, “She is honestly the greatest and I think she is more than deserving of this award.”

When hearing that she was nominated for the Columbia Hero Award, Miss White talked about the fact that she loves teaching at Columbia Central Junior High School.  She said that the students “make coming to school fun and they make work interesting.”  As a Columbia Hero, Miss White believes that her students are very caring.  Her attitude is one of positivity and a belief that all children can succeed in school and in life.

Congratulations to our Columbia School District Hero Jessica White!  Her determination to make a difference in the lives of our students and give them an opportunity to grow and mature, has made a positive impact on hundreds of children.  If you see Miss White, please tell her “Thank You” for all she does each and every day for our students!  If you are interested in learning more about Columbia School District, please contact me at 5175926641 or email .

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Building a Community of Learners at Columbia!

Over the past several years I have had the opportunity to gather various pieces of coral that have washed up on beaches.  The coral is beautiful, and full of intricate designs made from their former inhabitants.  Although coral seems like nothing more than rock once it washes up on the shore, it represents a piece of a former colony that was bursting with marine animal life.  In much the same way, our brick and mortar school buildings may look like any other structure, but they are bursting with life and activities.  Our precious students and staff members have built an amazing impactful teaching and learning colony filled with mutual respect and passions for education.

Our staff members actively reach out to students, whether they are in person in the classroom, or participating through a virtual portal.  Our teachers and staff work with their students to establish an environment that becomes a community of learners.  Our staff members work together in a collaborative and cooperative manner to make sure that the community is a positive environment that is bursting with energy and camaraderie. 

Our teachers actively work to cultivate a respectful, caring connection between those in the community of learners. By supporting their students and enabling them to learn and succeed, Columbia teachers show that they have nurturing hearts aimed at a positive environment.  The amazing classroom environments, help reassure our parents so that they may take active roles in their child’s education.

Columbia teachers work together to emphasize common beliefs and goals.  They focus on incorporating the school improvement plans and the Columbia Strategic Plan into their classroom to help develop a strong sense of community.  By integrating character qualities of positive work ethic, fairness, responsibility, caring and kindness, our students share in the enactment of the school’s values.

In addition to providing opportunities for their students to learn about community values of service and cooperation, they make it possible for our students to collaborate with their peers as they develop a love for learning, while making friendships that will last a lifetime.  Columbia students experience the opportunity to learn while they contribute to the greater community by donating to food drives, toy donations, and a focus on making the Brooklyn area a better place to live.

As I look at the pieces of coral, most of them are small and seemingly inconsequential, I think about how important it is that our student community is made up of individual children who, as they come together, are building a strong, cohesive society.  By establishing a positive climate in the classroom and in the school, our teachers and staff members prepare our students for the complexities they will encounter as they build towards a successful future.  If you are interested in learning more about Columbia School District and our fabulous teachers and staff members, please email me at or call 5175926641.

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Thank You to Our Columbia Board Members!

Recently I was reading about the duties and role of the school board.  On one of the websites, they depicted the work of school board leaders as “helping kids soar to success.”  I had never heard that description, but it is perfect!  Officially our school board members listen to the community, make policy and set the budget.  However the magic of our school board is their “helping kids soar to success” activities.  Inevitably, you will see them at musicals, band concerts, and football and basketball games.  They attend community meetings, parent teacher conferences and the Hope Run. 

January is School Board Appreciation Month.  This month gives us an opportunity to recognize the service and selfless time given by seven individuals in our community for the benefit of our schools. As the board members help kids soar to success, they continually imagine the future for our students. We all have hopes and dreams for each child in our community to have a successful future.

January is a great time to focus on the crucial and critical role the school board plays in Columbia School District.  Their focus on success for all of our students, takes dedication. Their actions and decisions affect the present and future lives of our children.  Their service to the community includes caring for students, parents, staff members and administrators.  They carefully examine all sides of a policy or an issue prior to making a decision.  Through their decisions, they are laying a pathway for the future of our school district.

School board members take their responsibility and public trust very seriously, dedicating an enormous number of hours to their work both in and outside of board meetings. Attending school functions, preparing for board meetings, reading financial reports, agendas and proposals, and making a host of difficult and challenging decisions are just a few of the regular activities board members participate in through their service.

Today, more than ever, school board leaders are faced with the overwhelming charge of providing a quality education at a time when financial constraints weigh heavily on the health of school district budgets. In an era of unprecedented choice in education, school boards are also tasked with charting a course that provides long-term, sustainable success for current and future students in all of Michigan’s public schools.

This year much of the focus of our seven school board members will be collaborating with the teachers, administration, community and the superintendent to establish a Strategic Plan.  They will spend countless hours working and focusing on increasing student achievement and planning for the future of the Columbia School District. 

The 2021 School Board is made up of seven energetic, tenacious community members, who are: Bob Wahr, Garrick Zuver, Brian Knapp, Chris Holbert, Lindsey Schiel, Kyle Bamm, and Jennifer Steele.  These seven fine individuals make up an efficient and effective board that has taken on the huge responsibility and challenge of working together to lead the way in the Columbia School District.  Their ability to work as a team will help increase the effectiveness of the district and give our students the optimum opportunity to succeed now and into the future.

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Bloom in 2021!

 As we move into 2021, many of us are focusing on personal growth.  After the interesting year that we all had, you may be anxious to start a new chapter, and begin to map out what you want to accomplish during 2021.  Rather than resolutions that may last a week, you may want to focus on smart, practical growth goals that will help you bloom!

A week or so ago, in the Quote of the Day on the Columbia Live Feed, I published a picture of a bud.  There was a lot of potential in that bud.  I knew it would turn into a beautiful flower, but what I did not know was that it would bloom into multiple flowers.  The first goal is to focus on the ultimate possibility!  Give yourself the opportunity to dream big, not to limit yourself or your potential.

As you set your goals, you will want to be mindful that life is not easy, and you are not a victim.  Hard work and sweat equity can make a huge difference as you reach for success.  You may set a big, long-range goal, and break it into several short range goals to help you achieve your ultimate goal.  Remember being ambitious is important, but you must include a focus on planning to get your goal accomplished.

As you set your goals, remember that your self-imposed ceiling is just like the ceiling in your house: Man made.  You must take the lid off your expectations and remove the ceiling.  As Matthew McConaughey once said, when talking about putting a roof on your future, “We shouldn’t create these restrictions on ourselves.”  When I looked at the original bud, before it broke out, it looked like a duck-bill.  The bud was not really attractive, but rather than putting it away in the basement, I proudly displayed it in a prominent place in the living room.  Just like our personal growth goals, we can be rewarded with a beautiful result.

As you finalize your goals for 2021, include a goal to improve communications skills and become a good listener.  Your communication goal may include several aspects, such as: Encouraging the speaker to elaborate, by asking pertinent questions.  Another element in your communication goal could be to mentally capture key points, and reiterating what the speaker said.  In your goal to increase communication you will want to focus on the speaker’s ideas, rather than interjecting your own creative ideology. 

Setting personal growth goals can help you improve your level of success, through focused diligent work.  Remember, change is difficult, but taking small, incremental steps when setting thoughtful goals in a clearly laid-out plan can propel you to success!  If you are interested in learning more about Columbia School District, email me at or call 5175926641,