Tuned in. There are
radio waves all around us 24 hours per day, for seven days per week. There are approximately 44,000 radio stations
broadcasting on various frequencies in local areas around the world. Although we are awash in a sea of radio waves,
we are not aware of them. In order to hear what is being transmitted
over the radio waves we have to tune in!
In the Columbia School District our teachers are tuned in to
assisting our students and giving them the best academic foundation for a
successful future. Recently, a group of
community members, teachers, students, administrators and school board members
updated our strategic plan. The Columbia
School District Strategic Planning process began through the visualization and
goal setting process by the Board of Education. The theory of the board was to
focus and guide the district over the next three to five years.
The Board of Education identified four goal areas important
to the success of the district, and the District School Improvement Team
identified an improvement goal, based on curricular areas important to student
success, which has been included in the district’s plan. The committees ensured stakeholders were
heard through various surveys and verbal feedback. Surveys were available online and at parent
teacher conferences.
The Columbia School District Strategic Plan was approved and
has been guiding the work of the district.
It has been revised and adjusted annually to keep us tuned in to the
goals that were set. The Board of Education, the Administrative Team and the School
Improvement Committee has worked together to provide guidance to ensure the
district maintains its emphasis and achieves its goals.
In much the same way as the radio waves are a pervasive and ubiquitous
force around us that we cannot see, the Columbia School District Strategic Plan
is there broadcasting information to the teachers and administrators as they
daily tune in to the success oriented goals for our students. The Columbia School District has used the
plan to guide us as we have updated our reading curriculum, added new resources
and curriculum elements in mathematics, and increased our academic focus as our
students learn today, so they will become the leaders of tomorrow. If you are interested in learning more about
Columbia School District, email me at pamela.campbell@myeagles.org or
call 5175926641.