Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Mrs. Phelps: Teacher of the Month!

Mrs. Phelps makes a difference in the lives of Columbia Elementary students!  She said that she, “loves being a School Counselor because of the students, and the positive relationships I get to make with each of them.”  Her enthusiasm for helping students and supporting them both socially and academically benefits the children at Columbia Elementary School.  Mrs. Phelps commented that, “One of the most rewarding parts of my job is seeing students use the skills we have practiced to help them be more successful.”

She believes that being a school counselor is amazing.  She said that, “as a School Counselor, it is important to me to be able to help students understand their emotions.  She went on to add, that it is important to communicate to them that “it is ok feel all the things they feel, while giving them tools to best express them.”  She continued by saying, “I love being able to be a person to encourage and support students in both good times and also when they are in need of an advocate.”

When you see Mrs. Phelps, you know she enjoys working with students and counseling them on various skills.  She mentioned that she, “loves coming to school each day!  School is always a new adventure that I am grateful to be a part of.”  Her bright smile greets students as they walk down the hallway. 

Mrs. Phelps has a kind demeanor and focuses on the school motto: “Work Hard and Be Kind.”  She also works with teachers and students under the Columbia School District Mission: “Nurture Dreams.  Empower All. Create a Better World”.  Because Columbia has a positive academic environment, she said that it is especially important to communicate the Columbia Vision to our students, “Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow”.

Mrs. Phelps said one of the things she loves about being a school counselor is forming relationships with the students and the seeing them grow and mature throughout the school year.  She added, “Of course all the hugs and smiles each day are also a huge perk to being a School Counselor!”  This year Mrs. Phelps was recognized by her fellow teachers and staff members as a person at Columbia Elementary that has a huge impact on the lives of the students.  For her hard work and dedication to the children, she received the “You Make A Difference Award.”  Mrs. Phelps is deserving of recognition for all of her incredible focus and enthusiasm on providing a positive, caring, and welcoming counseling program.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Mrs. Trudeau: Teacher of the Month!

Mrs. Trudeau is busy making a difference in the lives of students at Columbia Central High School!  She is focused on cultivating an environment of academic success.  She has always loved helping others.  As an elementary student Mrs. Trudeau loved helping grandmother, Alice Haystead, who was a teacher at Clarklake Elementary School.  As a high school student she would take every opportunity to assist her aunt who was also an elementary teacher in Napoleon.  Because of her love for helping others and experience helping in classrooms and tutoring struggling students, Mrs. Trudeau was determined to become a special education teacher.

This past year, she was voted “Teacher of the Year” by her fellow Columbia Central High School teachers.  Mrs. Trudeau is consistently working to advance her students to higher levels of academic achievement through careful planning and focusing on increasing her student’s educational excellence.  She works to motivate her students by encouraging them to exceed their expectations and their past academic performance.  Her caring and nurturing spirit supports her students both academically and socially.

Mrs. Trudeau achieved her dream of becoming a special education teacher at Columbia.  Her first year she worked with junior high students in the morning and taught kindergarten in the afternoon.  She said that she worked with the late Mary Neely and that she “learned so much from her as she was an amazing teacher and a wonderful human being.”  Although she loved the little ones, she took her dream job as a full time special education teacher at Columbia Central High School the next fall.

Mrs. Trudeau is currently in her 32nd year of teaching.  Mrs. Trudeau says she is so blessed to have a job in which every day is diverse, and is so privileged to work in the satisfying, life-changing career of teaching.  Mrs. Trudeau said that, “There is nothing like watching a student have that "Aha" moment or seeing their faces when they finally understand a concept or when they get a good grade on an assignment, quiz or test.”  

She continued by saying, “I love teaching, especially math.  There are a lot of students who struggle with math and I have tried, over the years, to make it fun.  I love being able to create projects around math concepts.”  Mrs. Trudeau also mentioned that, “I have been able to make treats for the veterans at Christmas, teaching students to read recipes, compare prices and calculate costs.  We have made gingerbread houses, learned cake decorating and even took a trip to Lowes to price the supplies it would take to decorate a room in a home. We made pies for Pi Day as a culminating activity when learning about circles.”  

Columbia teachers recognized Mrs. Trudeau for her leadership in the classroom and as an important part of the school improvement efforts.  Mrs. Trudeau’s enthusiasm for learning in various settings is illustrated by her ability to demonstrate creativity and innovation in her lesson plans and using teaching methods that inspire students to learn.  She has had an impact on students through her love of theater and the musicals.  She is excited to be directing this year's Jr. High musical, SCHOOLHOUSE ROCK LIVE! JR., which will take place on May 3rd and 4th at 7:00 pm, and May 5th at 2:00 pm at the Columbia Performing Arts Center.  The musical features many of the songs from the old cartoon series “Schoolhouse Rock.”  

Get Ready for a Summer of Experiences!

Columbia School District parents have the opportunity to partner with terrific teachers and administrators.   Our students learn today, so they may lead tomorrow!  Columbia students receive an excellent education filled with positive experiences and quality academic activities.  We welcome you to experience an amazing educational culture focused on student success.  We are committed to encouraging our students to grow and excel.  Recent examples of student leadership and success are the Hope Run, student mentors with the Buddies Reading Program, student led blood drives, Fill the Bus and our recycling program.

 Our teachers and staff members use their creativity and nurturing spirit to give our students the unique learning activities available during our summer programs and camps.  Infused with science, team building skills and literacy concepts your child will enjoy every minute of their academic experience.  Giving your child the gift of learning this summer in the comfort of air conditioning will enhance their creativity, whether they select art, robotics, science, sports or academic games.  Have your child join in the fabulous fun by choosing one or more of our camps!

In June, Columbia School District sponsors Basketball camp, Art Camp, Spanish, Theater Camp, Maker Space, Robotics, Cookie Making and Credit Recovery.  The summer programs in the end of July and August gives your child the opportunity to enjoy Art, Princess Camp, Electrifying Science Camp, Football Camp, Academic Games, Leadership, Underwater Robotics, and Explore!  In addition, Columbia Child Care and Latchkey program will have fabulous programs running all summer!

Each and every day the teachers and members of the Columbia School District family come together to provide educational activities and learning opportunities for our students to brighten our children’s day.  If you are interested in learning more about how your child could benefit from the awesome learning environment at the Columbia School District, would like a tour or to have your child shadow one of our terrific students please contact me by email at pamela.campbell@myeagles.org or call me at 5175926641.