Get ready for fun and fellowship at the Golden Ticket Cash
Bash on February 24th at the Gene Davis Banquet Center! Last February our Columbia School District
family came together to raise over $17,000 for Senior Scholarships and Mini
Grants for Academics, Arts, and Athletics. This year we are eager to raise even more for
our great Columbia students. Tickets for the Cash Bash are available for $80
for two people. You may obtain a ticket
from any of the Columbia School District offices or administrators.
Funds from the ticket sales and raffle games at the Cash
Bash are dedicated to provide some terrific new exciting innovative items for
academics, arts, and athletics through teacher mini grants. This fall
some fabulous activities for the
arts were funded: Mrs. Carlson received a grant to support the fall performing
arts play, Peter Pan. Mrs. Guernsey received a grant to support junior high
school balloon art for the fall homecoming. Mrs. Samson received a grant to
help fund an afterschool program for high school students to learn about floral
art in an afterschool program. Mrs. Eccles received a grant to take students on
a field trip to the Toledo Museum of Art. The Museum is opening a new exhibit
on several artists such as Andrew Wyeth and Georgia O’Keaffe. The junior and
senior high school students will be learning about these artists. The grant will benefit students by allowing
them to see these works in person, as well as view art in a museum.
Academic grants were given to Mrs. Daniels for her
Guatemalan friendship bracelet project to assist students as they learn about the
people who live in many of the Spanish speaking countries. Mrs. Adams received a grant to purchase desk
top maps for geography. Mrs. Laverty
received a grant to take her fifth grade to learn about fundamentals of
electrical energy by attending the Kabooms Live Wire event. Mrs. Weaver, the Upper Elementary librarian,
received a grant to purchase additional books.
Mrs. Harris, the Upper Elementary School reading interventionist,
received a grant to purchase books for struggling readers to take home with
them. Mr. Riedel received a grant to
purchase calculators and manipulatives for his math students. Mrs. Weidenbach wrote and received a grant
for the fourth grade teachers. The fourth grade students will benefit from
using the computer program, Spelling City.
Mrs. Sexton received a grant for classroom items.
The athletic grants were awarded to the following individuals:
Mr. Daniels received a grant for the Columbia Central Clay Team. This team was new last year and the students
were very successful during the season.
Mr. Miller received a grant to improve the softball field by adding
another layer of special dirt. Mr.
Vitale received a grant for starting blocks for the track team. If you are interested in learning more about
the Columbia Golden Cash Bash, call 5175926641 or email me at .