Each January we celebrate School Board Appreciation Month,
which is a wonderful time to recognize our school board members for the
critical role they play in Columbia School District. We want to thank these local leaders for
their devotion and enthusiasm serving as advocates for our students. As elected officials, they are the representatives
from their community, serving in the best interest of Michigan school children. Our school board members listen to the
community, make policy and set the budget.
Even though we are making a special effort in January to
show appreciation to our board members, we realize their many contributions
reflect a year-round commitment. They generously give of themselves to ensure
that decisions directly affecting our local schools are made by representatives
of this community, people who are close to our schools and know our teachers,
parents, and students. You will see them
at musicals, band concerts, and football and basketball games. They will also be at community meetings,
parent teacher conferences, the Cash Bash, and the Hope Run.
Board members shoulder critical responsibilities and often
make difficult choices. Their ultimate goal is always focused on the future
success of the children in our district. It’s more important than ever before
that the public supports our schools so that today’s students are prepared to
be productive citizens and the leaders of tomorrow. Our board members provide
vision and leadership in their roles as advocates, and they will continue to
stand up for public education and guard against anything that takes away from
our children.
The Columbia School District benefits from the countless
hours contributed by these local citizens who work tirelessly. The Columbia School Board is responsible for
an annual budget of $ 13 million, 1415 students, 190 employees, and four
schools. Plan now to show your school board members you appreciate their
dedication and hard work. They are extraordinary people who tackle this
enormous job. Their actions and decisions affect the present and future lives
of our children. Please help us thank these dedicated individuals for their
efforts to make a difference and their unfailing commitment to the continued
success of our students now and in the future.
The board members serving Columbia School District are (back row ) Mr. Garry Applegate, Vice President, Mr. Dave Slusher, Trustee, Mr. Robert Wahr, President, and Mr. Michael Moore, Trustee. Pictured in the front row: Mrs. Bev Fish, Trustee, Mrs. Jodi Collins, Secretary, and Mr. Mark Fish,
Treasurer. These seven fine individuals make up an
efficient and effective board that has taken on the huge responsibility and
challenge of working together to lead the way in the Columbia School
District. Their ability to work as a team
will help increase the effectiveness of the district and give our students the
optimum opportunity to succeed now and into the future.
As we go through the cold and snowy month of January, please
join me as we celebrate the continued commitment of the Columbia School Board
members by telling them “Thank You!” for all of their hard work and
determination. You too may become
involved in Columbia School District and make a difference in the lives of our students
through our PTO, booster clubs, Buddies Reading program, and athletic
programs. If you are interested in
learning more about Columbia School District and our programs, please email me
at pamela.campbell@myeagles.org or call me at 5175926641.