A book entitled The Time Machine was published by H. G. Wells in 1896. The book related the fictional account of a creative gentleman who loved science and built a machine that could transport him to the future or even back in history. However, this particular explorer was focused on the future rather than the past. In the book, the future does not turn out to be very bright and the scientist is filled with despair. Unlike the future in the book, the Columbia School District believes that the outlook for our students is bright, just like the torch in our logo says, “A Solid Foundation for a Bright Future!”
At all levels of student learning we are working to build upon the great education our students have received and focus on integrating technology into all of their subjects. One goal we have identified for this year is to increase the technology infrastructure to help enable our teachers to utilize innovative techniques in their teaching. Currently, we are working on increasing our technological effectiveness in all curricular areas to prepare our students for a bright tomorrow.
The scientist in The Time Machine was an innovative and resourceful person who was able to integrate science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to create a successful product. Recently in a publication from the College of Natural Science of Michigan State University I read that “American businesses will require 1 million additional graduates with STEM degrees in the next decade to remain competitive internationally” (Connections, Winter 2012). Our desire for our students is to give them the tools to continue learning and investigating so they may use their knowledge in the STEM areas to be successful as they grow and mature.
Over the next few months you will hear more about how the Columbia School District is working collaboratively with our staff and community to renovate our facilities to increase the effectiveness of our technology infrastructure to benefit our students. The Columbia School District Board of Education and administration is working with community members and staff to help focus our process to envision our facilities so we may give our students the best opportunity to be successful in the future. If you are interested in hearing more about this process to improve our school please email me at pam.campbell@myeagles.org or call me at 5175926641.