This afternoon a kindergarten student showed me his shirt and it said, “This is what awesome looks like!” His shirt made me think of a discussion that the administrative team had last Wednesday. We were celebrating Colossians 1:27-28 as the verse of the day, To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. After reading the verse, we discussed all of the great things that are happening at Lansing Christian School. The list is impressive so I thought I would share it with you!
· Teachers are working on writing essential questions. On a daily basis teachers are doing a great job of making the questions part of what they are doing in their classrooms.
· Redoing the website has been a gigantic task and It has been wonderful seeing the results and hearing the positive feedback.
· We continually hear about the high quality of our teachers and how they connect to our students. The teachers work so well together and are good at communicating with each other.
· When you think about the part of the verse which says, “present everyone fully mature in Christ,” I see the impact Lansing Christian School is having on students through retreats, chapels and the teachers. It is amazing the things that the school is doing intentionally which affect how our children interact with each other and the world around them.
· It is great to see our kids and how they are being transformed. “Be transformed,” is not just a theme; it is a reality!
· As our teachers have worked through the process examining the curriculum and inputting information into CurriculumTrak, it is exciting to see other schools looking to LCS as a model. It is encouraging to hear other schools look to teachers at LCS as leaders in the global educational community. (CurriculumTrak is our online organizational tool for our curriculum. Through the program we are able to access curriculum at other schools and they may access ours.)
· It is wonderful to see our teachers have the opportunity to influence our students for Christ.
· As we are begin our technology pilot which will integrate IPads into our curriculum in first and eighth grade, it will be exciting to see the impact interactive learning will have on our students!