Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What are we waiting for?

What is God doing while we wait?  For children, last week it was difficult to wait for Christmas!  For moms and dads, it may be difficult to wait for school to begin again due to the our overwhelming desire to be back on a familiar schedule.  In Psalms 70:1, the psalmist David prayed, “Make haste to help me, O Lord!”   Like David, many of us don’t like to wait for anything…red lights, doctor’s appointments, or the New Year!  God uses the times when we are waiting to help us grow into stronger Christians.  Through our times of waiting, we may develop patience, kindness, or gentleness. 

At this time of year when Lansing Christian School is working on our Annual Fund Campaign, we wait and pray.  It takes all of us contributing our time, talents, and treasures to enable Lansing Christian to continue to raise up our children to become the next generation of Christian leaders in the Lansing area.  Please partner with us as we pray, and consider a tax-deductible donation to our Annual Fund Campaign to help support our wonderful teachers, our beautiful school, and our terrific programs.  You may click here to donate online, drop off your donation to our office – we are open from 8 am to 4 pm today, Thursday and Friday, or mail it with a postmark no later than Saturday, December 31st. 

By partnering together we are able to continue “Growing Minds, Nurturing Faith, and Preparing Lives” for Christ’s service!

Friday, December 16, 2011


Keys, keys, keys!  I pick up my key ring and wow, what are all the keys for? Some of the keys are shiny, some are old and worn, some are silver, and some are multi-colored, but they all have some significance in my life.  Sometimes It is that way in our Christian life; we are so busy searching through the keys to our life that we miss the most significant key, the Key to Eternal Life, Christ our Lord.  In Luke 2:11-12 we read: 11 ”For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.  12And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”  As we cruise through this season with all of the lights, tinsel, and shiny “stuff” it is easy to take our eyes off of the significant Key, our Savior, and get  lost in the busyness of all of the other keys in our lives.  Please join me praying for our community as we carry the good news of the birth of Christ to the Lansing area.

Enjoy the ELetter!  There is a great picture of some of our freshmen young ladies singing at the Secondary Christmas Concert.

Best wishes for a blessed Christmas!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Measuring the Mission

Measuring the Mission
By Pam Campbell, Superintendent

Kneeling in the dust, a half-dozen men prayed that God would bless their handiwork as they constructed the building that would become Lansing Christian School.  Meanwhile, a handful of teachers lifted their voices to God asking Him to reward their efforts by raising up the next generation of Christian leaders.  Many of those children, who were prayed for by Godly teachers, are part of our school family, contributing by paying-it-forward to the next generation of faithful leaders.

A few years ago, Lansing Christian School teachers and administrators, began on a journey of self-assessment of our policies, principles, and practices.  This journey culminated in October with a visit by the accreditation visitation team.  After talking to board members, parents, teachers, students, and administrators, the visitation team unanimously voted, without exception, to recommend Lansing Christian School for accreditation with three entities: Christian Schools International, North Central Association of Schools and Colleges, and National Council of Private School Accreditation. 

As our school improvement path continues, we are focusing on three main goals: Curriculum alignment and articulation; Integration of faith and Christian principles throughout the curriculum; and Blended learning – integrating technology into our curriculum.  As Lansing Christian School celebrates its 60th Anniversary, we continue to look to our heritage and founding principles, while keeping our eyes focused on Christ as we work to grow our students’ minds, nurture their faith, and prepare their lives for Christian leadership.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Integrating faith and Christian principles into education

As I walked into the usually quiet room after school, it was buzzing with excitement!  Over thirty of our elementary students were actively playing Equations in the Academic Games program.  Meanwhile, at the other end of the school, a half-dozen students were designing, building, and programming robots in our Lego-Robotics program.  Next semester over two dozen of our high school students will participate in the Science Olympiad program.  All of these programs are available to our students under the direction of caring, enthusiastic teachers who partner with parents and integrate faith and Christian principles into our children’s lives. 

Our children have a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow in an educational environment rich in faith.  As an example of that, Mrs. Jackson, one of our terrific teachers, shared the following:

One of my first grade girls prayed before lunch today:
“Dear God,
Thank you for the opportunity to love you.
Thank you for giving us things so we can share them with people who need them.
Please help us to use our hearts to do good things.
In Jesus’ name,

WOW!  This says it all.

In this week’s E-Letter you will find a lot of information regarding activities at Lansing Christian School!  Have you joined our Facebook or signed up for Twitter with LCS?  Be sure and click on the links     to stay informed!