Sunday, November 3, 2013

Living Green!

If someone had mentioned “Living Green” when my children were small I would have thought they were talking about Ninja Turtles or Kermit the Frog. I might have imagined that they were talking about horticulture or that they had a “green thumb.” Now, we all have an understanding that “Living Green” refers to recycling, reusing and reducing our carbon footprint.

Our Columbia students are involved in many efforts designed to “Live Green.” Each week the Columbia Central High School Leadership students gather recyclables from classrooms, then sort and fill the recycling bins with plastic, paper and cardboard materials. In addition to their recycling efforts, CCHS students have spent many hours working on the Memorial Garden and the landscaping surrounding the high school.

For their efforts in “Living Green” the Columbia Central High School students were awarded the Green Award from the Dahlem Conservancy, Consumers Energy and the Jackson County Intermediate School District. The Green Award recognized Columbia Central High School for completing ten or more environmental projects during 2012-13 that helped save taxpayer dollars and natural resources. The students and staff members received a “Green School” flag, a laminated plaque, and a white pine seedling to plant.

Columbia Middle School students and staff members have a three pronged approach to “Living Green.” First, they have made recycling a priority. At Columbia Middle school they recycle paper, plastic and cans. Even their recyclable boxes are recycled cardboard boxes decorated and used to collect items which are collected on a weekly basis by students. They are also reusing plastic grocery bags for various uses including general office use, Science Trash Pick Up Day, Locker Clean Out Day, and Cobb’s Closet.

In addition to recycling items, the students and staff members also work to minimize the use of paper copies for fliers and announcements, purchase recycled, biodegradable school supplies. Rather than using mounds of paper for many of their assignments, the students are able to use their computer account to store and submit papers to their teachers.

Last spring our middle school students embarked upon an adventure into composting as part of their recycling priority. Students brought in scraps from home which were then fed to composting worms to become worm castings, which were then used in their “Global Bucket” project as fertilizer.

Columbia Middle School students also have focused on conserving energy through learning about alternative energy through science lessons. They also have reviewed energy reduction through the Honeywell energy audit results for the Columbia School District. For their efforts, Columbia Middle School earned the “Emerald Award” from the Dahlem Conservancy, Consumers Energy and the Jackson County Intermediate School District. Columbia Middle School also received a “Green School” flag, a laminated plaque, and a white pine seedling to plant.

For their efforts to “Live Green” Columbia Elementary School students were recently rewarded with a $5,000 second prize in the American Girl contest. The students, along with their art advisor, Mrs. Backus, used large plastic bottle cap art to design and interpret a scene from an American Girl story.

Congratulations to all of our Columbia School District students and staff members for their efforts to “Live Green!” If you are interested in learning more about the Columbia School District or would like to assist with our efforts to “Live Green” please contact me at or call me at 5175926641.

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