Saturday, October 27, 2012

How is Education Like a Old Fashioned Flour Sack?

The other day I read a poem that was historical in nature.  The author, Marilyn Cox is a writer and historian who lives out west.  Marilyn’s poem was entitled; “In That Long Ago Time When Things Were Saved.”  In her poem she described many uses for a cotton flour sack: book bags, curtains, pillow covers, bibs, diapers and kerchiefs.  The lady who sent me the poem commented on how she and her sister would go to the store and carefully pick out the flour sack that was the prettiest.   She mentioned that the gentleman who ran the store would move the flour sacks around so the girls could get the perfect pattern, then they would anxiously await the time when their mother would use the empty sack to make a beautiful dress for them.    

When I read the poem I thought of all of the disposable items we have in our lives and compared them to the almost infinite uses of the flour sack… I missed some, dish rag, dish cloth, grease rag, juice strainer, a sling and I am sure many more!  One of the things in our lives that is not disposal is our education.  No matter how many years we live, we will always have our education.  Imbedded in our country’s very essence is the tradition of teaching our children and working collaboratively to provide them the best in a lasting, non-disposable education.  Education has been important in the growth of America. Puritan settlers established America’s first public school in 1635 in Massachusetts.  By the beginning of the 1900’s most children in America were attending school and many were preparing for college.  Schools have continued to evolve, expand services and grow stronger academically.

At Columbia Schools we begin with our preschool program which is available for both three and four year olds. The preschool curriculum is designed to provide essential learning activities during an important developmental time in our children’s lives.  For our elementary and middle school students, in addition to the core curriculum, we offer music, physical education and by working with our PTO are able to offer our students art education.  Our students benefit from services which help students by supporting them in our Reading Recovery program or through speech classes, Links or the resource room program.  Many Columbia friends and neighbors are treasured volunteers in our Buddy’s reading program and spend time each week reading with one of our great young students. 

At Columbia Central High School we support students who struggle, while also providing enrichment courses for students who want to be challenged.  Our students in Advanced Placement courses study all year long before taking a test in the spring.  Depending on their score the students could earn college credit.  In addition, our offerings in engineering, chemistry, music and art (to name a few) provide the extra challenge for those who are interested in excelling in a particular area.  The Clarklake campus houses our Options alternative education program along with online courses and our Adult Education program.

The education our students receive is of highest quality and will last them a life-time.  Just like the numerous uses of the historical flour sack, education will serve our students in many ways over their lives.  Please continue to support Columbia Schools by volunteering, attending events or voting for the upcoming non-homestead millage proposal.  If you have questions about how you or your child could participate in our life-long education program or would like to partner with the Columbia School District or to register your child for school, please email me at or call me at 517.592.6641. 

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